Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My story

"H3770" I am Ghareeb AlOtaiba from ADMC CJA section, I am a new student and i skipped the foundational year and started my major which is Chemical Engineering directly in otherwise I am youngest at my class.

My classmates are great and they are so gentle and polite i don't feel i am the alone at class and everybody doesn't we just act like a family "CJA Family", College actually is 180 degrees different from high school here we are free to go either in or out whereas at school we were caged until we get the permission so it's more flexible and comfortable here at ADMC.

I have many interests, I like watching motor shows, Watching movie mainly documentary movies which concern History, Science, Industry and politics, Also i like Fomula 1 especially Ferrari team, In addition bowling and pool games and at last Football as a watcher and I like both Juventus and Manchester United.

That's all for now and if you want to know anything more don't be shy just be free to ask

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